
Annalisa de Curtis, architect with a Ph.D. (cum laude) in Architectural and Urban Design from the Politecnico University in Milan, integrates her professional work as an architect with teaching as a single dialectical activity and research through design. Mentor in 2016 to DEEPbrera workshops, in collaboration with the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera and Politecnico di Milano, aimed at students of the schools of architecture and Italian art: the project receives a mention. Since 1996 she works in partnership with archt. Prof. Guido Morpurgo. Before establishing Morpurgo de Curtis Architetti Associati, Annalisa de Curtis joined Umberto Riva Architect in Milan, between 2000 and 2006. She develops its activity through design research as an organic process, extending from detail to the urban dimension, where the part represents the whole. The studio’s work covers historic buildings, urban arrangements, new housing, museum and exhibition layouts and interior architecture, and it combines disciplinary tradition and experimentalism.


Projects include the Shoah Memorial in Milan (winner of the 2015 Gold Medal Prize for Italian Architecture - interiors - and the IN/ARCH 2020 National Prize - new construction interventions). She is also the author of the projects Il Museo in Tempo Reale (2019) and Il Museo come Laboratorio del Presente (2018), which received a medal from the President of the Italian Republic. Her publications include Museo è Contemporaneità (2021), and Figurazione (2015), a reflection on artistic practices through the work of Umberto Riva, with whom she collaborated.


She is High Qualification Lecturer (Docente di Alta Qualificazione) in Architectural Design at the Politecnico University in Milan, and Museography for the Master's Degree in Museology, Museography and Management of Cultural Heritage, and Museum Management and Museography at the Cattolica University in Milan. Since 2022 she is appointed to the board of the National Institute of Architecture. As part of the centenary celebrations for the Milan Triennale, she will be a co-curator in charge of a day of studies dedicated to Umberto Riva, which is scheduled for March 28, 2023. She is also the creator and curator, together with the MiC (Ministry of Culture) Secretariat for the project on Visions and reVisions concerning contemporaneity, sustainability and circular economy in architectural work, particularly in relation to heritage.